Educate a girl and change the world.
Agandi munywani! Hello friend!
YOU Can Make a Difference!
No donation is too small, every bit makes an impact
Give a single donation and you’ll create a ripple of lasting improvement
Provide a monthly donation and you’ll generate continuous ripples of lasting improvement
Sponsor a girl and you’ll empower her to pursue a better future
Fund a teacher and you’ll enable the empowerment of a classroom of girls
Support a project and you’ll create a raise cause a wave of lasting improvement
Change A Girls Life Forever
For only $35 USD a month, you can become a sponsor and change a girls life forever. What a blessing you would be for one of our girls. Imagine the ripple your ongoing donation would create… And who knows, you might just cultivate a lifelong relationship with a girl at our school, start today!
Find out more HERE
Empower Our Teachers
Our beloved teachers are at the heart of our organization. Help us fund continuing education for a teacher, or only $2 a day, $60 USD a month, you can help us pay our teachers. Are you a Teacher? Please inquire about volunteering at our school to get Continuing Education Credits for yourself through The Heritage Institute!
Find Out More HERE
Build Kitojo Empower
Your donations are critical to ensure a safe space for the girls to go to school and in some cases, provide housing as well. We need your help to build further classrooms, install electrical and plumbing, and purchase equipment and supplies such as new desks, computers and more.
Find out more HERE
Make a difference about issues you care deeply about, even if you can’t volunteer or donate money.
Here are some ideas how You Can Make A Difference:
Educate yourself about Kitojo Empowered Girls School, the plight of girls in Africa, the consequences of being out of sight (out of mind), and the difference an education can make to a girl not only for herself and her family, but for generations to come.
Contact us for more information, ask us questions and subscribe to updates (click here)
Educate others using the literature available on this website, send them to our site and share our newsletter.
Raise awareness through your status update on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and any other online social networking site you use to share news and accomplishments of Kitojo Empowered Girls School.
Kitojo Empowered Girls School is advised and supported by unpaid volunteers. The only paid positions are local personnel, namely, the ten teachers, the head teacher, the school administrator, the director, the guard and the two part-time cooks. The school is additionally supported and directed by a local Board of unpaid volunteers.
Starting from nothing, your donations have:
Built three permanent classrooms and seven temporary ones
Built a dormitory for orphaned girls
Enabled purchase of additional land for sustainable farming
Increased enrollment to 144 girls
Awarded one university scholarship to a prior student
Resulted in ongoing sponsorship of 9 girls, through monthly donations